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纪录片 | 中国台湾 | 14分钟

紀錄片傳主林義方(1926-2018),民國15年(大正15年)出生於嘉義,青年時期前往日本廣島留學,1945年廣島原爆期間,因恰巧出勤離開廣島市,而幸運的在這次災難中倖存。1946年2月從日本返國後,隨即投入國民教育,1947年又遇二二八事件。這一段流變、離散與居所難以定錨的狀態,以及面對歷史事件猶如失語的情感壓抑,反映出當時部分嘉義市民面臨時代困境的縮影,突顯出嘉義市獨特的歷史容貌。本片以訪談結合田野、重演與非虛構的穿插,試圖塑造私歷史及大時代間的對話及隱喻關係。 The film director, Hong Jun-yuan, hails from Chiayi, Taiwan, by way of marriage to a local. His work interweaves the remarkable contributions of his wife’s grandfather from the Japanese colonial era, reflecting the minor yet significant events in the daily lives of Chiayi’s residents during that historical period. Starting with the family history narrative, the discussion delves into the everyday experiences of regular individuals amid major historical shifts. It outlines how pivotal historical junctures have affected individual lives. Moreover, by adopting the perspective of ordinary people, it reconstructs the dispersion and transformations brought by key historical events such as the Pacific War, the Hiroshima atomic bombing, and the issue regarding Taiwan’s sovereignty in relation to the Republic of China. The incorporation of scenes from the markets in Chiayi County and City within the film, juxtaposed with a comparison between the past and present, provides viewers with a retrospective glimpse into the life journey as it unfolds against the backdrop of changing historical eras.The protagonist of the documentary, Yifang Lin (1926-2018), was born in Chiayi in the 15th year of the Republic of China (Taisho 15th year). When he was young, he went to Hiroshima, Japan to study with his elder brother. During the atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945, he happened to leave Hiroshima because of work and survived this disaster.

导演: 洪鈞元 Hong Jun-Yuan
原名: Yifang
状态: 未上映
关键词: 纪录片短片
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